“Instead of Camera Raw opening, the ghost of Photoshop is as dead as a brick. So what do you do?”
Author: adminak
Captain’s Blog, 230915.1 – Why So Useless, Amazon?
Is there a REASON that (Amazon) designs its alleged “software” to hack its users off?
Captains Blog, 230127.1 – I know that we live in a world of corner cutting…
“Yeah, you REALLY want (recharging batteries to catch fire) INSIDE YOUR DAMN CAMERA, don’t you?”
Captain’s Blog, 211230.1 – That’s Why They Put The “I” in IBM
“Why exactly DID you put the “I” in “IBM” when you don’t seem to be comfortable operating more than 125 km, sorry, “77 Miles”, from Dogsbreath Nebraska?”
Captain’s Blog, 211227.1 – Upgrading To Visual Studio 2022? Not So Fast, Compadre
“So, if you are using VS2019 to work on SQL Server packages? DON’T uninstall it until or unless you know for certain that there are functional extensions for VS2022.”
Captain’s Blog, 211226.1 – Are You Stupid? (Windows 11)
“The Finnish are very blunt. He asked his teacher for help with his maths assignment. When he failed to answer a question, his teacher fixed him with a flat stare and asked him “Are you stupid?” … if I could fix the lead Windows developer with the same flat stare, I would ask the same question.”
Captain’s Blog, 211102.1 – A Leap Through Windows Unknown
“Apparently after you have installed Windows 11 you have a whopping 10 days to downgrade. Beyond that you need to do a clean install of Windows 10.”
Captain’s Blog, 211029.1 – Generating Random Data
“There will be times when you need to generate large blocks of randomised data for development work. In payroll system development, for example … I recently stumbled upon a very useful site for doing so.”
Captain’s Blog, 210417.1 – Will MS Ever Get Windows Update Right?
“The installation of 20H2 on my machine would get to the 61% mark then stop. It wouldn’t fail; it would just not proceed beyond that point.
Captain’s Blog, 181208.1 – Thanks for the help Excel 2016/2019, but please stop thinking for me
” “Thinking” that I must have “forgotten” to include columns G to I, Excel auto-adjusts the formula to include those columns. It matters not that the formatting in H and J mark them out as “something different to B to F”. It matters not that it makes the formula in J17 inconsistent with the formulas above. Oh no. It auto-adjusts the formula anyway…”